Commonly-used American Slang
スラング: gut/guts/gutsy
gut =1.courage, nerve 2.based on instincts or emotions
意味: 本能や感に基づいた
guts =courage
意味: 勇気
gutsy =brave, tough
意味: 勇敢な タフな
- idioms:
- spill one's guts = to tell all
- gut it out = to show pluck and perseverance in the face of opposition or adversity.
- gut/guts/gutsy 例文:
- She has a gut./ She has guts. /She is gutsy.
彼女は勇気がある(タフだ) - 2. She has a gut feeling about him cheating on her.
grub ← gut/guts/gutsy