Commonly-used American Slang
スラング: vibe check
vibe check =to make sure someone is having a good time. getting a read on someone's mood, aura, or aesthetic
意味: 気分/感情/審美眼の確認、クールさ(動じなさ)の確認
☆ passed the vibe check= take the joke properly
you passed the vibe check.
you failed the vibe check.
vibe check 例文:
- Chris: "Vibe check!" Slaps tobby's back.
クリス:「バイブチェック!」トビーの背中をたたく - Tobby: "Ow, what the hell?"
トビー;「痛っ、なんだよ」 - Chris: "You failed the vibe check."