Commonly-used American Slang
スラング: tight ass
tight ass =1.someone who's uptight about society's rules. an inhibited person. 2.a cheap person. 3. well-shaped rear end
意味: 1. 用心深すぎる人、ルールに縛られすぎて融通の利かない人 2. ケチな人 3. 締まったお尻
tight ass 例文:
- 1. Jessie's mom is such a tight ass about him going out with a girl. He'll never have a girlfriend.
ジェシーのお母さんは彼が女の子と出かける事に凄く用心深い。彼はガールフレンドが作れないだろうね。 - 2. Mike is such a tight ass with his money! He's so cheap, it drives me crazy!
マイクはお金に凄くケチだ。余りにもケチ過ぎて、私は気が狂いそうだ! - 3. She's got a tight ass.